Monday, December 2, 2013

2013 Soul Train Awards: Saaaayyyy Whaaaaaaaaaaattttttt??????

I grew up watching Soul Train with Don Cornelius.  I wasn't a diehard fan of it, but I'd flip between Soul Train for the dancing and Solid Gold for the Solid Gold Dancers.  This is well before MTV and VH-1, and at least a digital millennium or two before the internet even had pictures or videos.

Last night I tuned into the 2013 Soul Train Awards.  Last night, I felt like I was inflicting mental self-harm by not changing the channel.  It was painful to say the least.  Every artist I witnessed did a more heinous lip sync of their song than the next.  Ron Isley looked like a dude in a Kung-Fu movie where his mouth voiced the words three seconds after they were heard.  Somebody help me understand this.

Ron Isley
I can see if you are dancing, doing flips and performing with your body like Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears in her good days, or the late King of Pop MJ.  But c'mon old soul people!  All you have to do is either stand there or sway there and sing.  If you can't sing your songs anymore, get off the stage and hand it over to the DJ.  It's almost as embarrassing as Michael Bolton doing car commercials these days.

One of the saddest highlights of the night was when Warren G. hit the stage with his smash hit, "Regulate" from the 90s.  This duo with the late Nate Dogg, was my jam back in the day.  "Regulators ... mount up!"  Warren G.'s performance was like watching the first round of American Idol, and yes he   would not be welcome back the next week.
Warren G. today with Ron Isley
Warren G. back in the day


  1. I kind of like soul music, it has way more meaning then music now a days

    1. Don't get me wrong - I'm playing James Brown's "Soulful Christmas" every day and every night. I just wish some of these performers would have brought their "A" game rather than their weak lip synching.

  2. mabey the reason they were so late is they are getting old so its not as easy as it was for them when they were younger

  3. To be honest I never was able to listen to soul music because it did not interest me, but it's good music my mom said and I hope it's better than the crap they playing today.
