Sunday, December 1, 2013

I'd Rather Have Nice Students than Smart Students

Most people think about education today, and they immediately jump to high stakes testing, Common Core and how we need to speed up, learn faster, learn more or else our students will not be college and career ready.  (taking a hiatus to regain my composure before I type something hostile...)

Pause .... rhythmic breathing ... pause ... in through the nose and out through the mouth breathing ....

Here's my take on education today:

Give me a room full of, oh let's say 30 students.  Go ahead tell me their data; give me their pretest scores, their state scores, their reading levels and all the past successes and failures they have experienced.  Throw their address on for good measure because doesn't living on a certain street dictate your mental capacity?  Put all of that on my desk.  I will do everything I can to bury it under stacks of student writing, stories we will read and other more important info, and I hope to uncover it around June 29th.

Don't get me wrong, my students will learn this year, and with the exception of my immediate family, they are the most important people in my life.  The reality is though, they will learn and as far as the books go, as far as the reading and writing, they will be ready for college and careers.  More important is getting them ready to be good people.

In the end, I want my students to be good, no great, no amazingly-stupendous- incredible-lift-you-on-their-shoulders type of people.  The ones you can depend on to brighten your day.  The ones who bring a smile and a kind word or two into a room with them.  The type of people who stand up for important values that the world appreciates regardless of religion or culture.  Values that transcend our differences and focus on what we have in common.  Yes, I want those students.  I want Honors Human Beings, not Honors English Students.  What's the point of having a big brain if you don't have a big heart?

What's the point of this one life you are blessed with if all you do is join the fast-paced rat race to gain more so you can just take more.  So many go through life blindly chasing that something, and we don't even know what that SOMETHING really is.  We just know it might put more money in our pockets.

In the end, I'd rather have nice students than smart students.  I'd rather have students who forgive, apologize and mean it, say excuse me (and not just when they burp or fart), say please and thank you, and even hold a door for another or find a nice thing to say to someone they don't have to say a thing to.  This is my wish and my hope.


  1. I'd rather have smart students because I abhor stupid people and stupid questions!

    1. I'm going with Socrates on this one: "I know nothing; therefore I am wise."

    2. I forgot to include the URL so below is the the link:

  2. i agree mr mo because a test shouldn’t be able to tell you how much a student is acutely capable of accomplishing

    1. Certain tests are good for assessing your skills to see what you understand and what you need more work on to improve skills, but this should not be the end all and be all of your academic standing.

  3. some kids dont want to even try and learn and there are some who are willing and they are the best kind no matter smart or not .

    1. Take you for example. You amaze me with knowing more than one language. I can't even imagine being able to do some of the things you do on a daily basis.

  4. I would like my students to be nice but not that smart. Some kids who are smart think their better than everyone else and that gets me angry!

    1. I've met people like this (adults too). As Eminem stated so eloquently, "To those who look down on me/I'm tearing down your balcony".
      Nobody likes to have their nose rubbed in another's greatness.

  5. OMG my brother and I LOVED the video! By the way nice use of vocab at the top. :) I love this blog so much. One of the most amazing things I have read. I agree with every single word in it. How much chem someone knows or how fast someone can do a math problem should not be as important as some people think it is. Yeah we need it to get into college, but sometimes colleges are more concerned about what kind of person you are, what type of things you do for your community. That is how i believe it should be.

  6. I totally agree, parents send thier kids to school so they can learn and make new friends. Being smart is awsome but if you the type of kid thats doing more work than being a kid,than something is wrong. A smart kid can grow up and become what they want but they won't be happy. You can be a kid and be smart, it's not hard. Just manage your time wisely.

  7. i thinks thats very understandable

  8. Make sure the students do their work and

  9. Love this Kid President video. Thanks for sharing. I've been passing around this eduCanon bubble of the same video if you're interested. eduCanon lets you embed questions that students engage with as the video progresses.
